quinta-feira, 13 de maio de 2010

“Sorry sir, we’re closed” (07/05/10)

When David Mitchell, Jimmy Carr and Lauren Laverne prepared for Chanel 4’s Alternative Election Night, they probably thought they would be the only ones involved in serious comedy.

Instead, a Monty-Pythonesque sketch was improvised in several voting stations across the country. At 22:00 hours, the established voting deadline, a still undefined number of voters were denied their right to vote.

It appears that our archetypal punctuality and respect for norms were taken to a new extreme and it is disparaging that a country that supervises elections in developing democracies incurs in such an explicit breach of voter’s rights.

In a general election that has copied Obama’s campaign from words to the dressing code, it is a “pity” that voters were forgotten. In the US, polling stations were open as far as midnight.

Even if polls were, yet again, wrong, it was obvious that there would be a considerable turnout in yesterday’s election. If the candidates aren’t exactly to blame, this incident nevertheless affects their legitimacy.

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